symposia...On..February..24, 2017 at Free International University of Moldova Library Information Department was held the ninth edition of the Conference Symposia Investigatio Bibliotheca entitled "University Library: Upd@te Lab VS 3.0”.
The Conference carried out in workshops. Valentina Topalo, the head of Scientific Library USARB participated in the Workshop No.1 University libraries: experience and innovation with a communication "Impact and sustainability of international projects implemented in USARB Scientific Library”.

The participants were informed that the Scientific Library USARB is integrated in several international projects in the last three years as follows : Modern Information Services for Improvement Study Quality MISISQ. Its implementation in partnership with seven university libraries in Moldova.

From April 2016 USARB librarians participate in the project "Modernization of university libraries in Moldova" funded by the Norwegian Cooperation Programme in Higher Education with Eurasia Programme, developed in partnership between the Academy of Economic Studies of Moldova, University of Bergen, Norway, Brasov Transilvania University, Romania and 18 University Libraries from Moldova. The project will finish in November 2019.

Another opportunity to improve the competence and skills of library staff and increase performance, relevance, accessibility of information and documentation in line with European standards and best practice in accordance with the training needs of librarians in the information age is the participation in ERASMUS + Capacity Building in the Field of Higher education (CBNE) Project: ,,Library Network Support Services: modernising libraries in Armenia, Moldova and Belarus through library staff development and reforming libraries [LNSS]”(15.10.2015 - 14.10.2018). From the Project point of view, Library Network (LNSS) will fulfill sustainability conditions: information, exchange of experience, training on sustainable development, technical assistance, facilitate LNSS process, access and participation in the process of sustainable development at national and international level. Library Network (LNSS) for USARB Scientific Library are:

  • A new way to plan, develop and ensure quality of service;
  • Clear picture on the Library modernization, improving staff skills and competencies;
  • Local solutions to achieve Curriculum Modules;Many Modular Diagnostic;
  • A long-term action plan aimed at sustainable development.