USARB librarians participated in several national and international investment projects, knowledge and experiences, documentation visits to libraries in European countries (Ireland, Norway, Germany, Lithuania, Latvia, Hungary, Romania), technical equipment about 6.000 EURO worth, international visibility. The most important being the services and opportunities created by librarians after the implementation of the Projects::
International projects
- Centrul de Informare al României (2016 - present)
- Modernization of academic library services in Moldova. Funded by the Norwegian Cooperation Programme in Higher Education with Eurasia, developed in partnership between the Academy of Economic Studies of Moldova, University of Bergen, Norway, Transilvania University of Brasov, Romania and 18 university libraries from Moldova (2016-2019). Project activities
- LNSS - Library Network Support Services: Modernizing libraries in Armenia, Moldova and Belarus through library staff development and reforming libraries, ERASMUS+ Programme (2015-2018). Project activities
- MISISQ - Modern Information Services for Improvement Study Quality, TEMPUS Programme (2013-2016).
- Consortium: Electronic Resources for Moldova (REM) (2001-present)
- UN Documentation Center (2001 - present)
- European Union Information Center (EUIC) (2011- present)
- The NATO Documentation Information Point (2010 - present)
- The World Bank Regional Depository Library (2003 - present)
- The Romanian Cultural Institute Collection (2009 - present)
- The Journal Donation Project Collection (JDP) (1994 - present)
- Pro Bessarabia and Bucovina Association Collection, „C. Branch Negri” from Galaţi (1992 - present)
- Wilhelmi Collection (2004 - present)
- The DAAD Collection - Germany's Partnership with Moldova: Landshnut University in cooperation with the German Academic Exchange Service and Draxelmaier Company (2013 - present)
Goethe Institute Collection - Bucharest (2003) - LITHUANIA Collection (2010 - present)
National projects
- Educaţie mediatică (2019 - 2021)
- Cercetare şi dezvoltare în cadrul sistemului naţional de biblioteci (SNB), Repertoriu de lucrări, publicaţii şi activităţi ştiinţifice pe anii 2016-2017, Biblioteca Naţională a Republicii Moldova
- „Sistemul Național de Biblioteci al Republicii Moldova: realizarea modelului strategic” 2015-2016, Biblioteca Naţională a Republicii Moldova
- Prin blogurile bibliotecii mai aproape de utilizator. Blogul Filialei BIN – Biblioteci de Invăţămînt din Nord a ABRM (2013 - 2017)
Colecţia AGEPI (2007-prezent)
Institutional projects