sedinta lucru LNS1

Working session on the implementation of the LNSS Project ,,Library Network Support Services: modernising libraries in Armenia, Moldova and Belarus through library staff development and reforming libraries" implemented within ERASMUS + Program Capacity Building in the Field of Higher education (2015-2018)  took place on February 6, 2018 at the Scientific Library of the Academy of Public Administration http://aap.gov.md/biblioteca/news/

sedinta lucru LNS2

USARB Scientific Library Project Team: Elena Harconita, Lina Mihaluţa, Igor Afatin, Valentina Topalo has been included in talks on achievements of 2017 and the prospects for 2018.

The general and specific objectives of the Project were reviewed and the decision was made to edit up to 28 February 2018:

  1. Interimidiate report on the implementation of the LNSS Project for 2017.
  2. The Action Program of the National Awareness Day on Libraries in 2018.
  3. English translation of Curriculum and Content of Piloted Modules.
  4. Elaboration and publication of promotional materials for NLAD and for the Final Conference to be held in October at the AAP, Chisinau.

The professional meeting of the Project teams in the institutions concerned were beneficial to update immediate results and tasks in order to achieve the important effects both for the professional and  academic community.