Monographs, manuals, guides, manuals, guides. Colloquia. Conferences. Synthesis
The works contribute to the dissemination of the results of theoretical research and applied exercises of librarians and are aimed at improving the quality of library services.
It includes the works that are build on the research activity of librarians in academic and special education libraries.
This compartment includes collections of representative texts, with varied themes, selected from various works: scientific, literary or artistic, signed by one or more writers, with the aim of popularizing the creation of certain authors, successfully used in the promotion of various activities.
Bibliographies are necessary tools of information and documentation (with various subjects and completeness), basic support for the educational and research process. The bibliographies of the publications of the University academic staff collect information about the documentary heritage developed over time.
Confluenţe bibliologice : rev. de biblioteconomie şi ştiinţele inform. a Bibl. Şt. a Univ. de Stat „Alecu Russo” din Bălţi / dir. publ. : Elena Harconiţa ; colegiu de red.: L. Mihaluţa, V. Topalo, E. Stratan, S. Ciobanu, A. Rău, S. Ghinculov, R. Moţoc, M. Şleahtiţchi, N. Enciu ; notiţe bibliogr.: A. Nagherneac ; design/tehnored./machetare: S. Ciobanu, T. Prian, G. Palii. – Bălţi, 2007. – (Trimestrial). – ISSN 1857-0232 ;
Bibliouniversitas@ABRMmd : rev. bibliotecilor universitare din Republica Moldova [on-line] / Asociaţia Bibliotecarilor din Republica Moldova, Secţiunea „Biblioteci din invăţământ şi specializate” ; colegiu de red.: E. Harconiţa, L. Karnaeva, L. Costin, S. Ghinculov, E. Zasmenco, R. Avasiloaie, Z. Sochircă, Z. Stratan, L. Mihaluţa, I. Afatin, E. Stratan, V. Topalo ; design/tehnored./machetare: S. Ciobanu, T. Prian, G. Palii, M. Staver. – Bălţi, 2012. – (Bianual). – ISSN 1857-4920 ;
Promotional materials
The collection includes sets of promotional materials designed to popularize the multiaspect services of the USARB Library.