The Scientific Library of the "Alecu Russo" State University, Bălţi is the Departmental Librarianship Center and provides the functions of methodological, organizational, analytical, informative, formative, advisory and research management, methodological assistance for the Libraries of institutions of general education, postsecondary and non-tertiary postsecondary technical professionals with a pedagogical profile in the North area (15 districts and Balti municipality), according to the Decision of the Board of the Ministry of Education no.1.10 of November 8, 2002, the Regulation for the organization and functioning of the National Library Council (approved by the Order of the Minister of Culture No. 211 of 05.09 .2014) and the Regulation on Methodological Activities within the National Library System of the Republic of Moldova (Order of the Minister of Culture no. 2 of 13.01.2016).
Directions of activity:
- Provides methodological assistance to network libraries;
- Provides organizational and informational achievement of objectives within the network; synthesis, analysis and capitalization of the innovative experience specific to the library activity in the network; promotes good practices on the blog of The Departmental Library Center, in specialized publications: Revista ABRM, ABRM Info, Confluenţe bibliologice, BiblioUniversitas, Limba Română;
Scientific Library of „Alecu Russo” Bălţi State University
38 Pushkin street
MD 3121
Republic of Moldova
tel./fax: (0231) 52435
e-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.,